More and More Patients are Choosing Rhinoplasty in Los Angeles and Around the Country

A lot has changed over the years, but at least one thing has stayed consistent, and when it comes to rhinoplasty, Los Angeles patients will quickly realize why it remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries year after year.

Nose reshaping, also called rhinoplasty, was the third most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States in 2015, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). In the ASPS 2015 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, an annual summary of plastic surgery procedures and other cosmetic treatments performed in the United States, it was found that rhinoplasty ranked in at least the top three cosmetic surgeries for the past three years.

Last year, 217,979 Americans chose to improve their appearances through rhinoplasty. Indeed, rhinoplasty was one of the top five cosmetic surgery options chosen by women in 2015 alongside other popular surgeries including breast augmentation, liposuction, and eyelid surgery. Even better, rhinoplasty was the most popular surgery among American males, with 53,000 men choosing to reshape their noses. That’s almost as much as the next two most-popular surgeries combined!

Many patients choose rhinoplasty as a way to bring balance back to their facial features and improve their overall appearance by aligning the look of the nose with the rest of their face. Patients often choose rhinoplasty as an option for adjusting their nose profile by removing bumps or indentations along the bridge. They might also want to adjust the width of the nose bridge or the size of the nostrils. And they can improve a nasal tip that is enlarged, upturned, hooked, or drooping.

Beyond the cosmetic benefits of rhinoplasty, the surgery is also used to treat people who suffer from a deviated septum. Nasal septum deviation affects about 80 percent of people, although most would never know about it. For others, however, a deviated septum, which is a misalignment in the septum that divides the two nostrils, can cause breathing difficulties that require surgery for treatment, such as rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty recovery time and postoperative care can vary from patient to patient depending on the exact nature of his or her surgery. Patients should expect some swelling or bruising for approximately six weeks following the surgery, and will likely take pain medication for between two and 10 days. Rhinoplasty patients should expect to be able to resume exercise, gradually at first, about one month to six weeks after the surgery, and they can usually return to work in as few as one to three weeks. The time it takes to see full results can vary as well, but most patients see final results between three and 12 months after their rhinoplasty.

In order to be considered as a strong patient for rhinoplasty, the patient’s facial growth must be complete. They should, of course, also be physically healthy and a non-smoker.

As a cosmetic option, rhinoplasty is a procedure that blends art with science, requiring a surgeon who is fully capable of handling the latest surgical techniques, but who also can foresee how to achieve the best results that will give patients the appearance they want. Since no two patients are the same, there is a wide variety of surgical techniques that can be applied to attain the desired results. It is wise for patients interested in rhinoplasty to first find a surgeon who is trained and board-certified, but also to find a surgeon who has demonstrated an ability to create aesthetically pleasing results with other patients.

For patients who are considering rhinoplasty, Los Angeles is a great place to find a trained, accredited, and experienced physician who can answer your questions and help you achieve the appearance you want. Dr. Steve Svehlak and Dr. Dan Yamini have been providing outstanding results for patients in the area and are happy to answer your questions and help you determine the best way to get the look you desire. To schedule a consultation, contact Sunset Cosmetic Surgery online or call them directly at 310-858-9100.


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