The CoolSculpting® Timeline: A Guide to Noninvasive Fat Reduction

Weight loss and muscle toning can do wonders for getting your body into shape. Unfortunately, spot reduction isn’t usually feasible through a healthy diet and workout regime alone. While each person’s ideal physique may be different, it goes without saying that most people have that one stubborn area of unwanted bulk they just can’t seem to get rid of. Luckily, if that grueling treadmill session and killer core routine just aren’t producing washboard abs, there’s still hope in sight. CoolSculpting®, or cryolipolysis, is one of the most effective, nonsurgical alternatives used to minimize fat in targeted areas of the body.
Patients considering CoolSculpting® in Albuquerque usually have many questions about the system—namely what to expect during and after this FDA-cleared procedure, and how many more they will need to undergo before they can see an improvement. The team of experienced physicians and PA’s at Western Dermatology Consultants offers a more in-depth look at the process of fat elimination.
Research has shown that when weight is lost due to intense physical activity or consuming smaller food portions, fat cells shrink in size. However, diet and exercise-resistant fat deposits can prove to be a challenge for men and women alike. The secret to the success of CoolSculpting® technology lies in understanding the body’s natural response to bringing fat cells down to a temperature that kills them.
First approved for the U.S. market in 2010, CoolSculpting® is an innovative method of creating that much desired, sleeker appearance by permanently destroying pesky fat instead of simply decreasing the size of the cells. The contouring applicator works by gently suctioning, crystallizing, and breaking down fatty tissue under the surface of the skin.
Perhaps the most appealing aspect of CoolSculpting® is the lack of pain or significant downtime associated with the low-risk treatment. The machine’s gentle, vacuuming motion continues for up to an hour, during which many people are comfortable enough to watch videos on their laptop or even take a nap.
These frozen, dead cells are gradually, organically disposed of by the body’s lymphatic system. Potential side effects are minimal, with some people reporting slight feelings of tingling, numbness, localized redness or bruising at the site that typically last no more than a day. In fact, typical daily activities can be resumed almost immediately.
It takes some time for the process to kick in, but increased self-esteem and clothes that fit perfectly make this well worth the wait. Patients typically start to notice a decrease in the size of the specific area within the first few weeks, with the best results showing up around three months later.
The number of treatments needed will depend mainly on individual goals, the size of the body part and site of the treatment area. Some patients prefer to undergo further CoolSculpting® sessions to achieve the most satisfying results. The selected portion of extra bulge generally looks better with each repeated procedure, with the possibility of losing up to 25 percent of fat overall in that desired location.
Although there is no precise rule for how long patients will need to wait between sessions, it’s best to allow for at least a few months before starting again. This is because of the way CoolSculpting® works—the body needs time to recover and fully metabolize fat cells. A certified doctor can help you determine the best way to schedule consecutive treatments.
According to a recent study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nonsurgical body sculpting on a whole continues to rise in popularity with as many as 376,962 procedures taking place in 2018 alone.
Whether you’re hoping to enhance the appearance of your thighs, love handles, double chin or any other perceived problem area, CoolSculpting® is a convenient and low-risk way to make a visible difference without having to go under the knife. Provided that you maintain your optimal weight, results from the process—such as a flatter stomach or slimmer arms—will last indefinitely.
The board-certified experts at Western Dermatology Consultants can help you create a personalized treatment plan. To find out more about CoolSculpting®, call 505-855-5503 or (505) 897-1313, or send them a message online.


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