The Benefits of Combined Liposuction Procedures


Liposuction is a long-established cosmetic technique for achieving a more sculpted, proportional body shape. In traditional liposuction, vacuum suction is utilized to take away fat with a surgical aspirator and a small, hollow device called a cannula, which is inserted in very small, hidden incisions in the treatment area.

Many patients have discovered that the results of other cosmetic procedures can be amplified when paired with liposuction. Chicago’s Iteld Plastic Surgery uses liposuction in combination with other major procedures—such as tummy tucks, breast reductions, body lifts, and facelifts—to enhance results.

How Does Fat Reduction Work?

The number of fat cells in our bodies stabilizes during adulthood. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to control how this fat is distributed and where visible signs of weight loss are seen first—or at all. This is why despite all your efforts to tone up, you may be stuck with a slight double chin, belly fat, love handles, or other problem areas.

When you create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn or increasing your activity level, you typically become thinner. But fat cells don’t actually go away; they simply shrink. That means they can expand if you gain weight again by routinely consuming more calories than you burn.

Liposuction, however, removes fat cells from isolated areas.

The typical body areas where liposuction is performed include the abdomen, thighs, upper and lower back, arms, chin, neck, and along the jawline. There are four main variations: tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction (PAL, which is the technique applied most frequently at Iteld Plastic Surgery). If you’re planning to have liposuction, it’s best to select a qualified, board-certified cosmetic surgeon who is experienced with this specific procedure.

Tummy Tuck

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a form of surgery intended to create a leaner, flatter, and tighter midsection. Women whose muscles have been separated or have developed excess skin and fat in the belly area after pregnancy often benefit from this surgery, as do people who have recently enjoyed significant weight loss. A tummy tuck removes sagging extra skin, with the remaining skin pulled tight over the stomach. When the abdominal muscles are lax from prior pregnancy, these are brought back together to improve the waistline. Liposuction can be used to extract more unwanted fat for a trimmer appearance.

Breast Reduction

Many women choose to reduce the size of overly large breasts for aesthetic reasons, as they may feel self-conscious about the way they look. It is also common to choose the surgery due to the discomfort and inconvenience caused by large breasts, which can be the source of chronic back and neck pain. Beyond those challenges, overly large breasts can also make it difficult to find clothes that fit properly, as well as be a nuisance when exercising or playing sports.

During this surgery, unwanted skin, fat, and tissue are removed, while the underlying structure of the breasts may be reshaped. Liposuction can be used to reduce breast volume in cases where fat is a significant contributor to the bulk of the large breasts, and liposuction is frequently used to contour the side of the chest wall where the breast can blend into the upper back tissues.


Brazilian Butt Lift

Patients can achieve an attractive, rounder, firmer look with improved contours on their backside via a Brazilian butt lift. This procedure also creates more balance and symmetry between the lower and upper body. The typical method involves harvesting autologous fat from another body area (such as the thighs, abdomen, love handles, or hips), processing to purify it, and strategically reinjecting it for improved volume in the desired area. This technique also has the added bonus of simultaneously contouring other sections of the body.

Results for combined techniques are more extensive than they would be for either procedure used on its own or performed on separate occasions. While healing times may be a little longer due to the more extensive work being done, many patients enjoy the fact that they won’t have to endure two separate operations and recovery periods.

Discuss your options for liposuction and other procedures or treatments with Dr. Lawrence Iteld at Iteld Plastic Surgery. Call 312.757.4505 or request an appointment online.


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