What is Acne? Causes, Treatments, and More …

The skin requires a certain amount of essential oil to maintain strength and elasticity, and to protect it from harmful elements. However, an excess of facial oil isn’t a good thing, as it can combine with dead skin to create unwelcome conditions. Blotchy, red skin and pimples are a common insecurity among both teens and adults. The Albuquerque-based dermatology team at Western Dermatology Consultants routinely works with patients of all ages dealing with acne. The condition, also known as acne vulgaris or common acne, can be detrimental to skin health, uncomfortable, and contribute to a feeling of low self-esteem.

Acne flare-ups occur due to a buildup of dead skin cells, debris, and oil blocking pores in the skin, giving bacteria ideal conditions to grown. The condition is linked to hormonal activity, overproduction of oil in the skin, and, specifically, the P. acnes bacteria. These bacteria are generally harmless, but can cause inflammation and infection when they become trapped in the clogged, low-oxygen environment of a hair follicle.

Some of the common symptoms associated with acne include whiteheads, blackheads, red bumps, pimples, nodules under the skin’s surface, and cystic lesions. Symptoms flare up most frequently on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. If over-the-counter medicines or other home remedies haven’t worked, and a patient’s condition becomes increasingly severe and frequent, it may be time to see a dermatologist.

Stress, anxiety, greasy makeup, humid environments, pressure on the skin, and dietary factors are believed to make acne worse. It is also believed that genetics may play a role in increasing a person’s risk of developing acne. Teenagers are more prone to this skin concern, though it can happen at any age. Women often experience acne due to hormonal changes relating to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, and contraception pills. Luckily, there are ways to manage symptoms. Some of the most effective cosmetic options of reducing acne breakouts include oral or topical prescription medications, facials, chemical peels, laser treatments, and skin care products.

Severe acne can result in permanent scars, caused when the follicle walls are destroyed and the infection spreads to the surrounding area, damaging the skin’s texture. The body’s natural attempts to heal these minor injuries can leave behind blemishes, such as hypertrophic or keloid scarring, and atrophic or depressed scarring, as well as hyperpigmentation.

Doctors often prescribe oral medications like antibiotics or topical creams to prevent inflammation and scarring. Light and laser treatments are generally an effective solution for acne. Some light treatments help to clear up active acne spots, while lasers can fade unwanted scars on the skin’s surface. An experienced, board-certified dermatologist can help you choose the best option for your needs. It’s best to begin treating acne in its earlier stages as it can become worse and lead to a greater level of emotional distress over time.

Fractional laser skin resurfacing is one way of improving the appearance of acne scars. In this treatment, fractional laser energy pierces the skin, causing tiny injuries that promote collagen production, while getting rid of the damaged tissue on the outer layer. The new skin that grows is clearer and healthier. Lasers for acne scarring are often better for textured scars compared to topical treatments, as they can reach the deeper layers of skin and mechanically break up scar tissue. In addition to acne, these devices are also useful for addressing wrinkles, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation.

Searching for effective, long-term acne treatment? To learn more, get in touch with Western Dermatology Consultants by calling 505-855-5503 or visiting their website to write to them.  


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