5 Things You Should Know Before Having a HydraFacial

After being subjected to a constant barrage of harsh weather fluctuations, pollution, toxins, and debris during everyday life, sometimes your pores just need a complete deep cleaning to restore a brighter, more even complexion. With this in mind, when you wash your face at the end of each day, you might be unsure if your skin is actually clean. Whether you’re preparing for a major event or just want to keep your skin healthy, HydraFacial is an advanced procedure that can give you your best complexion. If you’re fed up with dry or clogged skin and thinking of trying out a HydraFacial, here’s what Minneapolis’ Zel Skin & Laser Specialists team thinks you should be aware of before having this medical-grade, in-office treatment.

1. It’s Not the Same Thing as a Regular Facial

Facials are an important aspect of a beauty regimen that can be done regularly throughout the year to prevent breakouts from occurring and help you maintain healthy skin. HydraFacial has similar steps to a traditional facial and produces similar results, but is typically less painful and causes less redness. During a typical facial, your skin is cleansed, exfoliated, and nourished, whereas a HydraFacial not only cleanses and exfoliates but also extracts debris from pores, then infuses the skin with active, hydrating serums containing antioxidants.

The dead cells and excess oil are cleansed from the outer surface of the face with a water-based solution, then resistant debris are lifted and removed, vacuum suction is applied to extract the dirt and impurities, and finally, the serums are applied to the skin. This cosmetic treatment can be fully customized for your individual skin concerns with targeted serums.

2. It’s Gentle and Painless

If you’re one of those people who is squeamish about potentially uncomfortable treatments, HydraFacial might be your preferred option. It’s tolerated by most patients of any skin type and not likely to irritate sensitive or acne-prone skin. However, this might not be suitable for people who have severe acne, sunburn, active rashes, or rosacea.

3. You Can Treat Many Common Skin Concerns

One of the reasons why HydraFacials have become so popular is that they’re a convenient way to improve an extensive range of skin irregularities, including everything from fine lines and wrinkles to an uneven tone and texture, loose skin, enlarged pores, blackheads, dullness, and dryness. This might not be the best choice if you have more severe skin problems like deep scarring or very lax skin.

4. Avoid Certain Products and Environments

Although you won’t need to do much prep for a HydraFacial, you might need to make some changes to your routine in order to get the best outcome from the treatment and avoid potential complications. Stop using any harsh, abrasive products on your skin—including exfoliating treatments—for several days before your HydraFacial session, don’t have any skin resurfacing procedures for at least a month before, and try to avoid too much unprotected exposure to UV radiation from the sun for at least three days prior.

5. Follow Aftercare Instructions

No actual recovery time is needed for HydraFacial and you can resume your normal daily activities right after. The only side effects most people experience are slight redness and tightness, but these usually go away after an hour. Similar to other treatments like injectables, most doctors advise avoiding heavy workouts for at least the first 24 hours after a HydraFacial, as you need to allow your skin to rest and let the effects of the treatment sink in. It’s also better to avoid using makeup and prescription skincare products for a few days. Results are immediately visible after you’ve had this kind of facial.

Want to get more advice on having a HydraFacial? The Zel Skin & Laser Specialists team can help you find the best solution for cleansing and nourishing your skin. To request a consultation, submit a contact form or call the practice in Edina at 952-929-8888.


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