5 Makeup Ideas That Complement BOTOX®

Since the wrinkle-smoothing benefits of botulinum toxin injections were first discovered in the late ’80s, BOTOX® has evolved to become a versatile treatment for a wide range of lines and other signs of facial aging. Overall, it’s most famous for being a fast and powerful tool for relaxing the muscles that cause facial wrinkles, leaving patients with smoother, younger-looking skin. Patients are often curious about when after a treatment they’ll be able to resume their typical activities, such as wearing lipstick, mascara, and other products. Makeup is important for many people as a way of transforming their face, feeling beautiful, and visually expressing their unique personality. It’s safe to use makeup after BOTOX®, says Albuquerque’s Western Dermatology Consultants—and, in fact, you can use different colored concealers to hide the temporary bruising and discoloration that results from injections.

However, many doctors advise against wearing makeup during the injection session itself. You should also refrain from rubbing and massaging the skin for the first 24 hours after you’ve had the treatment, as putting pressure on the area could cause the toxin to move into other facial muscles. Once these hours have passed, however, you can get back to your normal beauty routine, and injectors even encourage patients to have fun with hair, makeup, and accessorizing to flaunt their refreshed look.

A proper, age-defying skin care routine works wonders for keeping your skin radiant and supple, but makeup is the ideal way of drawing attention to aspects that you like about your face while disguising any imperfections. 

Here are five chic makeup-related ideas to give your skin long-term health and beauty, instantly add some finishing touches, and spice up your everyday look after wrinkle treatments. 

1. Wear Sunscreen Each and Every Day 

If you’ve had BOTOX® to counteract the little wrinkles around your forehead and eyes, the last thing you want is to expose yourself to damaging UV radiation from sunlight that reverses all the good that you’ve done and causes additional wrinkles to occur. Keep your skin protected by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or above under your makeup on the face, neck, and eye area, or wear a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. Don’t forget to still wear it on cloudy or colder days. 

2. Moisturize Constantly 

The reason your skin looks so full and buoyant when you’re young is partially because it retains a lot of internal moisture. Older skin is often dehydrated, which makes lines and wrinkles look more pronounced. Use moisturizer every day (especially if you have naturally drier skin) to make any fine lines and wrinkles that aren’t reduced with BOTOX® less noticeable. 

3. Highlight Your Lips 

Having more luscious, pillowy lips with a good shape is one way of making yourself look a few years younger. If your lips are naturally on the thinner side, try using a lip pencil that’s very close in color to the natural coloring of your lips to create a heavy outline around the borders of the lips and Cupid’s bow. Fill in with a light toned lipstick such as coral, pink, or nude to create the impression of larger, younger-looking lips, and finish up with a shiny gloss. 

4. Switch Up Your Foundation 

Concealer is one of those things that can be tricky to use if your goal is to hide tiny lines. Although it can be tempting to use thick, matte concealers to disguise any flaws, using too much can produce a cakey look that actually makes lines look more pronounced. Stick to lightweight creams and liquids that blur out any irregularities. Warmer tones are always better. 

5. Give Your Eyes More Attention 

Instead of using dark eyeshadows, go with softer, more neutral shades like light brown, gray, or beige, and consider using a brown eyeliner instead of black. Curling your lashes will brighten and open up your eyes. 

Get to know more about BOTOX® from the Albuquerque-based injectors at The Spa @ Western Dermatology Consultants, or learn about other injectable wrinkle treatments available. Call 505-855-9267, or submit a contact form to request a consultation.


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