5 Common Wrinkle Myths Busted


When the weather gets colder and drier, that unfortunately means your skin may look like it has more wrinkles. These lines are a completely normal effect of aging and depletion of volume from the skin. They usually form in areas that are frequently exposed to sunlight, such as the face, neck, chest, and hands, or parts of the face where the skin naturally creases when making facial expressions. This happens because ultraviolet radiation accelerates the natural aging process, breaking down the collagen and elastin fibers that make up the connective tissue of the skin. The skin also becomes thinner, drier, and more susceptible to wrinkles as we get older. Additionally, facial skin is squeezed and pulled in different directions by facial movements, leading to the development of dynamic wrinkles. While such lines can be addressed with treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic, the Chicago-based Whole Beauty® Institute often hears myths about skin aging that—despite being widely accepted—have been debunked by skin care experts. Here’s the truth about five of the most widespread rumours about wrinkles. 

Myth #1: Dry Skin Causes Wrinkles 

Dry skin from exposure to cold and windy weather or other causes doesn’t actually cause wrinkles to develop. However, it’s a fact that dull and dehydrated skin usually looks more wrinkled in comparison to oily, plump, and moisturized skin. Moisturizing regularly and drinking lots of water are important aspects of keeping your skin in good shape and making wrinkles look less pronounced by locking moisture in to make skin volumized. Nevertheless, hydration won’t guarantee that you won’t develop wrinkles in the future. 

Myth #2: You Don’t Always Need to Wear Sunscreen

Since exposure to UV rays is a primary cause of wrinkles aside from chronological aging, the best way of preserving youthful skin for as long as possible is sun protection. Not to mention, applying sunscreen significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer. Don’t assume that you only need to wear it in the middle of a scorching summer day. Just because it’s a snowy, cloudy, or overcast day or it doesn’t feel too hot, doesn’t mean that your skin isn’t getting cumulative sun exposure. Regardless of the weather or season, or whether you’re spending most of your time indoors or driving, it’s important to continue wearing sunscreen all year round because the sun’s rays can pass through cloud cover and windows. 

Myth #3: Genes Make Wrinkles Inevitable

Although hereditary factors do have an influence on skin aging, they’re not the only factor responsible for wrinkles. In fact, some skin specialists believe that sun exposure has a much more significant impact on the appearance of your skin than genetics. Regardless of your genes, if you start a good skincare routine early and take sun protection seriously, you might be able to keep signs of aging at bay and delay the development of wrinkles. 

Myth #4: When Wrinkles Form, There’s No Way of Undoing Them

It’s never too late to restore healthier, smoother, and more radiant skin. After static and dynamic wrinkles become etched onto your skin, it might not be possible to erase them completely, but there are things that can be done to improve their appearance. For example, minimally invasive cosmetic treatments like chemical peels make wrinkles look less noticeable by removing dead skin from the surface and stimulating cell turnover. Microneedling stimulates collagen production to enhance the skin’s overall thickness and brightness. 

Myth #5: There’s a Perfect Age for BOTOX®

The mid-20s to 30s is thought of as a good time for preventative BOTOX®, but there’s no upper age limit for people who are thinking of getting it. The right time for you all depends on when the first fine lines have started to appear. 

To get more details about relaxants like BOTOX® Cosmetic, contact Chicago-based plastic surgeon John Q. Cook and the Whole Beauty® Institute. Call 312-751-2112 (Chicago Gold Coast Office), 847-446-7562 (North Shore (Winnetka) Office), or submit a contact form to request a consultation and find out whether you would be a good candidate for wrinkle injections. 


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