What’s the Lifespan of BOTOX®?

We get wrinkles for a variety of reasons, including everything from the effect of gravity and chronological aging to poor lifestyle habits and environmental stressors. Common culprits include compressing our skin against pillows and sheets by sleeping in certain positions, too much exposure to sunlight, wear and tear from pollutants in the atmosphere, overeating sugar, chronic stress, and smoking. One of the primary causes of wrinkles, however, is something small: facial movements involved in conveying facial expressions, blinking, squinting, talking, chewing, sipping from straws, and other activities. These movements constantly stretch the skin, which isn’t much of a problem for young people whose skin easily returns to a resting state without any sign of its motion. As we get older and our skin starts to produce less collagen, however, it isn’t able to snap back into its natural position as easily. Lines begin to form as a result. Although it isn’t possible to permanently “cure” wrinkles once they’ve formed, they can be temporarily relaxed with BOTOX®. The Fruitland, ID-based team at CT Derm often receives questions from patients who are interested in the injectable, but are unsure about how long the results will last. 

While the active ingredient in BOTOX®—a neuromodulator that interferes with messages sent to prompt facial muscles to contract—is very effective, it will be gradually metabolized by the body, and the effects will wear off. In other words, your skin will eventually go back to looking as it did before you had the treatment. The average lifespan for BOTOX®results is three to four months.

If you don’t want wrinkles to come back and want to preserve the youthful, rejuvenated appearance you get from the treatment, you can schedule a new round. There are also some techniques patients can try to extend and maximize the effects of their BOTOX® injections. 

Sun Protection is a Must 

Even though BOTOX® isn’t affected by sun exposure—which means you can get it at any time of the year, and it will continue to keep your skin smooth—the last thing anyone wants after putting in the time and effort to get cosmetic injectables is for their skin to get additional wrinkles and blemishes due to sun damage. Harm from UV rays is believed to be the main cause of skin aging aside from natural aging itself. The sun’s rays burn the skin and break down collagen fibers, causing the formation wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Fight this by wearing sunscreen constantly, even on cloudy days. Wearing sunglasses and shielding your face with a hat will also help you to avoid squinting in the sunlight, which is one of the main contributors to wrinkles around the eyes. 

Be Smart About Exercise

Exercise is good for your general health in so many ways, and it’s one strategy for maintaining a stable weight while enhancing blood circulation, so it’s good for your skin as well. However, it’s believed that raising your metabolic rate with exercise could cause the effects of BOTOX® to wear off faster. This is somewhat unavoidable—since stopping routine exercise is not advisable—but if you have an active lifestyle, you can try to avoid frequent very intense workouts. You’ll also want to avoid making exaggerated facial expressions during exercise, such as grimacing or squinting, as these can also make wrinkles return faster. 

Increase Your Zinc Intake 

Some research suggests that zinc may be a “BOTOX®-booster” because the mineral may help the neurotoxin to work better by enhancing its uptake and therefore make its effects last longer. Since our bodies don’t naturally produce their own zinc (which also helps us to fight off bacteria and viruses), the only way of getting it would be through food and supplements. Although most of us get an adequate amount of it from our diets, it’s not uncommon for people to have a minor zinc deficiency. People who don’t consume animal products, have certain digestive diseases, or are drinking alcohol excessively may not be getting enough zinc.

Want to discover more about the benefits of BOTOX® and learn how to extend them? Contact CT Derm by calling 208-452-7450 or filling out a contact form to request a consultation. 


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