How Can CoolSculpting® Help You Achieve Your Resolutions—Even Long After New Year’s Eve?

The most common New Year’s resolution Americans have made in recent years is to lose weight or get into shape. After the year has run its course, we might start to feel guilty if we’ve failed, but beating yourself up over what we did or didn’t do can actually do more harm than good—as well as get in the way of actual weight-loss efforts. If you’ve resolved to make a change to your health and appearance this year, one of the best procedures to support your efforts to get into shape is CoolSculpting®. Westlake Village’s Pierre Skin Care Institute explains that this fat-freezing procedure helps with goals and resolutions in many ways. 

First, if you’re trying to shed some extra pounds, it’s helpful to understand what fat is and how it works. The excess fat we get from food is eventually stored as liquid droplets of fat by the body. Losing weight in general can be difficult, but it’s even more challenging when you want to lose it from a specific part of the body. Your goal might be mainly to reduce your overall body fat percentage, but one of the most frustrating things about weight loss is that you won’t always lose weight in the area you’re trying to slim down. This is because the way we store and lose fat is mostly determined by genetics, and your body uses up fat from reserves evenly when you lose weight. 

Shed Resistant Weight

When you feel healthy and fit, it’s only natural that you would want your outer appearance to reflect that. As mentioned above, the problem with standard weight loss is that you have very little control over where the fat is lost from. That means even people who are quite slim and in shape might still have some areas they can’t seem to improve. CoolSculpting® is ideal for those patients who have just a few problem areas that they want to reduce. It’s not a weight loss procedure, but it does support weight loss efforts by creating a more balanced, proportionate body and helping you to fit more comfortably into clothes. What many people find ideal about CoolSculpting® is that when the fat cells are frozen and metabolized, they’re gone for good and can’t return—unlike weight loss methods that simply shrink the fat cells when you lose weight. This means there is a high chance of gaining weight again, since the cells are still around and free to grow in size once more.

Noticeable Improvements by Summer

CoolSculpting® is non-invasive and has no recovery time to speak of, but it does need time to work. It’s better to begin having body contouring procedures at the start of the year—the earlier the better—since it can take months before you see the full results. Plus, many patients decide that they want to have one or two additional treatments to maximize their results by the time swimsuit season arrives.

Psychological Benefits

The reason why we are often unable to keep our New Year’s resolutions is usually psychological. When we’re depressed about being out of shape, we’re less likely to feel motivated to achieve our goals. On the other hand, when we feel like we look our best, we tend to perform better in various situations, project confidence, radiate positivity, and be more likely to go after what we want. Along with healthy lifestyle modifications, cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting® help us to look our best and motivate us to get in shape. Seeing the improvements from CoolSculpting® is often enough to keep our motivation going during the following months and encourage us to get in even better shape. 

Want to remove diet-resistant fat? Discover more about your options from the team at Pierre Skin Care Institute. Call them at 805-496-9190 or send in a contact form online to schedule a consultation. 


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