5 Things You Should Know Before Having a Tummy Tuck

here are many important things patients should be aware of if they’re planning to have a tummy tuck. New Jersey’s The Peer Group team explains that this form of surgery is ideal for patients who are close to their ideal weight but have some loose, stretched-out skin and separated or weakened abdominal muscles they wish they could address.

The belly is one of the most frustrating problem areas for many people because pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging can all cause the abdomen to develop loose skin, excess fat, a telltale bulge, or any combination of the three. Even worse, it may not be possible to restore the appearance of the stomach are by making changes to diet and exercise routines alone. Fortunately, tummy tuck surgery—also known as an abdominoplasty—is a way of attaining a more sculpted look and a slimmer waistline. This surgical technique involves the removal of loose skin or fat and the repair of weakened core muscles as necessary.

While a tummy tuck can be a highly transformative and beneficial procedure, patients should be fully aware of the recovery requirements and other aspects of the surgery before they make any decisions—just as they would for any type of surgical procedure. Before you commit, you should get to know how tummy tuck surgery works. With the proper research, you can get incredible results.

See below for five of the most important things every patient should be aware of when they’re having tummy tuck surgery.

1. Results Don’t Appear Right Away

While it might be tempting to discover exactly how much your belly has changed post-surgery, don’t measure yourself for at least the first eight weeks after having this procedure. This is because your body will be retaining excess fluid due to swelling and IV fluids administered during the tummy tuck. Not only will this cause the area to appear larger than it is, it will also cause you to weigh more. In other words, your results may not look the way you want them to at first because of the swelling and water weight. Your weight should return to normal within a few weeks, which is also when the slimmer and sleeker contours will become more visible. Keep in mind that it’s also common to experience redness, bruising, and stiffness during the first few weeks of recovery. 

2. The ‘Final Look’ Can Take Up to a Year

Although most swelling goes down after a few weeks, patients may experience residual swelling for six months or longer. It may take up to one year for the stomach area to completely heal and for the full results of this form of surgery to become noticeable, but flatter contours will be visible long before this.

3. It’s Better to Wait Until You’ve Finished Having Children

While it’s safe to get pregnant after you have had a tummy tuck, plastic surgeons recommend waiting until you are finished with childbearing to undergo this surgery. If you become pregnant after having tummy tuck surgery, the growing baby could cause the skin and abdominal tissues to re-stretch and jeopardize the new contours. 

4. There’s No Wrong Age to Have a Tummy Tuck

Don’t assume that you’re “too old” or “too young” to have a tummy tuck. To be a good candidate, you must be physically healthy, a non-smoker, at a stable and healthy weight, and maintain realistic expectations. 

5. A Tummy Tuck Isn’t the Same as Weight Loss Surgery

A tummy tuck is designed to enhance the shape and appearance of your midsection. This is a cosmetic change, which means a tummy tuck is not a type of weight loss surgery. Small amounts of fat are removed—just a few pounds from the torso area—but you will not lose a substantial amount of weight. If you’re hoping to lose a large amount of weight for health reasons, you should focus on lifestyle changes instead. You will need to be at or close to your goal body weight for six to 12 months before undergoing tummy tuck surgery. Moreover, patients who are in good shape will get optimal results and have the best recovery. 

If you would like more advice about what you can achieve with a tummy tuck, contact The Peer Group. Call 973-822-3000 or send a contact form online to request a consultation.


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