What Are the Best Ways to Get a Sharper, More Defined Jawline?

Volux™ is a newer cosmetic injectable that makes it easier than ever to sculpt the lower face area. With jawline contouring being one of the biggest trends of 2023, a growing number of people have expressed interest in attaining a “snatched jawline” and are searching for the best techniques to achieve this look, from contouring with cosmetics to injections of fillers, like Volux. Dallas-area dermatologist Dr. Ellen Turner explains that these treatments are popular because a well-defined jawline can significantly enhance facial aesthetics, imparting a sense of strength and balance. In other words, jawline definition has a major impact on your overall face shape.

Fortunately, there are several cosmetic treatments and other techniques available to help enhance the jawline area. From non-invasive options to surgical procedures, this article will explore some of the best ways to achieve a more sculpted and defined jawline.

Dermal Fillers

This year, more people are focusing on strengthening their jawline. Dermal fillers are a popular non-surgical option for this, and Volux is the first and only hyaluronic acid facial filler to be FDA-approved for jawline augmentation. By strategically injecting filler under the skin in the jawline and surrounding areas, it is possible to create more structure and definition. This technique can improve the appearance of a weak or recessed jawline and add symmetry to the face. 

The results are visible right away, with minimal downtime and long-lasting effects that can typically last several months to a year. Volux has an especially heavy consistency, and it provides dramatic results.

Dr. Turner says, “There are many reasons why patients might consider having jawline filler. Volux can add volume to the jaw area, sculpt a more defined separation between the jawline and neck, sharpen the angle of the jawline, make you look more youthful, create a more symmetrical looking jawline, and improve sagging skin and wrinkles.”

The hyaluronic acid gel filler works like an injectable implant when it is placed deep on the underlying bone. 

Biostimulatory injections or collagen stimulators are also highly effective for improving the appearance of the jawline. Radiesse® is a calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) filler that promotes the production of collagen and elastin. This dense filler has also been FDA-approved for improving jawline contours. 

Fat Reduction Treatments

Is submental fat preventing you from getting a sleek, defined jawline? Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed to target submental fullness, commonly known as a "double chin." While not directly enhancing the jawline, reducing the appearance of a double chin can help define the jawline and create a more sculpted look. Kybella®contains deoxycholic acid, which helps break down fat cells beneath the chin for absorption. Multiple treatment sessions may be required, and results are long-lasting. A related option is CoolSculpting®, a technique that subjects fat cells below the chin area to low temperatures, causing them to freeze. These crystallized fat cells are gradually flushed out of the body, resulting in a slimmer and more refined neck and jaw area. 

Thread Lift

A thread lift, such as Silhouette InstaLift, is a minimally invasive procedure that uses dissolvable threads to lift and tighten the skin around the mid-face and jawline. It provides a subtle lift, improving sagging jowls and restoring youthful contours. The threads also stimulate collagen production, leading to further improvements in skin elasticity over time. Thread lifts are relatively quick, have minimal downtime, and produce natural-looking, lasting results.


EMFACE is highly effective for re-shaping the jawline area. This non-invasive facial rejuvenation technology utilizes high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) muscle-building technology combined with radiofrequency (RF) energy to build muscle, reduce fat, and encourage collagen generation at the same time. 

Makeup Techniques

Cosmetics can also play a role in enhancing the jawline. By using contouring techniques, shading, and highlighting, it is possible to create the illusion of a more chiseled jawline with makeup. Strategic placement of darker shades along the jawline and lighter shades on the high points of the face can help define and sculpt the area. This temporary method offers a non-invasive and cost-effective way to enhance the jawline.

Want to discover more about techniques for achieving a sharper jawline? Contact the Dallas, TX-based Dermatology Office of Dr. Ellen Turner for more details. Call (214) 373-7546 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.


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