Who Is a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Considering breast augmentation? Palm Desert-based board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mo Zakhireh says that the surgery has high satisfaction rates, but patients who are thinking about undergoing this procedure should first try to find out whether it’s a good fit for them and whether they would be good candidates.

Breast augmentation—also known as breast enlargement or augmentation mammoplasty—is a surgical procedure that involves placing breast implants or transferring fat to increase the size, fullness, and shape of a woman's breasts. This procedure is commonly sought out by women who feel self-conscious about their breast size or who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.

However, breast augmentation surgery is not suitable for everyone, and there are certain criteria that must be met before a woman can be considered a good candidate for the procedure.

Good Health 

The first and most important factor to consider is overall health. The patient shouldn’t have any active infections, untreated cancer, or serious illnesses when they’re about to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mo Zakhireh says: “Breast augmentation is a significant surgical procedure that involves anesthesia and a recovery period, and it is essential that the patient is in good physical health to undergo the surgery and heal properly afterward. Patients with underlying health conditions that affect their ability to heal or increase the risk of complications should not undergo the surgery without first discussing the risks with their surgeon.”


Another factor to consider is the patient's age. Patients should be at least 18 years old before considering the procedure—and likely much older. This is because the breasts are not fully developed until the late teenage years, and it is important to ensure that the patient's breast size and shape have stabilized before undergoing the surgery. In some rare cases, patients under the age of 18 may be considered for breast augmentation if they have a medical condition that affects breast development or if they have experienced significant breast asymmetry.

Breast Volume and Shape 

Patients who have flattened, elongated, or asymmetrical breasts, or breasts lacking in adequate cleavage or volume, will usually be great candidates for breast augmentation.

Realistic Expectations

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation should also have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. You will need to have a healthy frame of mind as well when you decide to undergo breast augmentation, as this procedure permanently alters your appearance. Remember that the procedure won’t fix body image issues. While breast augmentation can enhance the size and shape of the breasts, it cannot completely transform a woman's body or make her look like someone else. Patients should understand that the goal of breast augmentation is to improve their natural appearance and enhance their confidence, not to completely change their body or look like a celebrity or model.

Follow Guidelines Before and After Surgery

Finally, candidates for breast augmentation should have a positive attitude toward the procedure and be committed to following all pre- and post-operative instructions. This includes abstaining from smoking and certain medications before surgery, following a healthy diet and exercise routine, and attending all post-operative follow-up appointments with their surgeon. Patients who are not committed to taking care of themselves before and after surgery are not good candidates for breast augmentation.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Breast augmentation can be a life-changing procedure for women who are self-conscious about their breast size or shape. However, it is important to ensure that patients meet the criteria for the procedure, including overall health, age, realistic expectations, and a positive attitude toward the surgery. By working with a qualified and experienced surgeon, patients can achieve beautiful and natural-looking results that enhance their confidence and self-esteem.

Interested in learning more about what would make you a good candidate for breast augmentation? The Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team will tell you more about what would make you eligible for this treatment. Call (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.


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