What Are the Advantages of Choosing Smaller Breast Implants?

One aspect of the surgery you may be unsure about is which size implants you should choose for breast augmentation. Philadelphia area plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin J. Cross explains that breast augmentation surgery has remained popular in recent years, with women seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.

One of the key decisions women face when considering breast augmentation surgery is the size of the implants they choose. Some people are tempted to go as large as possible if they’re getting implants, feeling that larger implants allow them to get the most out of their investment, but you might want to re-consider that approach, especially if you want the most natural-looking results possible.

In 2023, smaller, more subtle breasts implants are one of the most popular trends in cosmetic surgery. Patients who are having breast implant revisions or breast augmentation for the first time are showing an increased demand for morenatural-looking implants. Although larger or medium implants may be more appealing to some, there are several advantages to choosing smaller breast implants.

More Natural Appearance

One of the most significant advantages of choosing smaller breast implants is that they can create a more natural appearance on patients of a certain size or frame. Large implants can look more obvious on smaller people, so it’s sometimes better to choose the smallest size that can still achieve your goals. Board-certified Dr. Cross says: “Many women opt for breast augmentation surgery to enhance their appearance while still looking natural. Recently, there has been an increased demand for more conservative sized implants and a more streamlined appearance. Smaller implants can provide a subtle enhancement, rather than a dramatic change. The goal of breast augmentation surgery is to create a natural-looking breast that complements the patient's body type and proportions, and smaller implants can help achieve this goal.”

Reduced Risk of Complications

Another advantage of smaller breast implants is that they are associated with a reduced risk of complications. Larger implants may place more strain on the breast tissue and may be more likely to cause complications for certain patients. In contrast, smaller implants are less likely to cause these complications, and the recovery period may be shorter.

Greater Comfort

Smaller breast implants may also be more comfortable for some women. Sometimes very large implants may feel heavy or cumbersome to smaller people, which can lead to discomfort. In contrast, smaller implants are lighter and can feel more natural, which can enhance comfort and overall satisfaction.

More Options for Clothing

Choosing smaller breast implants may also provide more options for clothing. Women with larger implants may find it difficult to find clothing that fits well and complements their body type. Smaller implants may make it easier to find clothing that fits comfortably and looks flattering.


Sometimes patients decide to have their implants swapped for a smaller size later in life as the more discrete, subtle implants may fit their lifestyle better. In some cases, a patient’s breasts may also naturally become larger as they get older, so this is another reason why they may want to switch to a smaller size.

Should You Get Smaller Implants? 

While larger breast implants may be appealing to some women, there are several advantages to choosing smaller breast implants. These include a more natural appearance, reduced risk of complications, greater comfort, and more options for clothing. Ultimately, the decision to choose smaller breast implants should be based on an individual's personal preferences, goals, and body type. Women considering breast augmentation surgery should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss the pros and cons of different implant sizes and to determine the best option for their needs. When it comes down to it, plastic surgery trends are constantly changing, but the important thing will be to select implants that are suited to your body type and lifestyle. 

Want to find out more about which size implants will be best for your breast augmentation? Contact the Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group to find out more. Call (215) 561-9100 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to talk about breast augmentation or other techniques to enhance the breasts. 


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