Confused About Allergan’s Options for Breast Implants? St. Louis’ West County Plastic Surgeons Explain

After receiving FDA approval for two new types of breast implants within six months of each other, Allergan now offers the largest and most comprehensive selection in the United States. But a variety of choice can also be accompanied by a certain amount of confusion for breast augmentation and reconstruction patients trying to differentiate between different types of breast implants. St. Louis’ West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University break down the options.
Natrelle® is the brand name of all breast implants manufactured by Allergan. Natrelle® implants can come in either saline or silicone gel filling. The saline implants range in fullness from low (LP) to moderate (MP) to high (HP), and can come encased in a smooth or textured shell.
In the silicone gel category, there are three lines of implants: Natrelle® Classic (or simply Classic), Natrelle® 410 (or simply 410), and Natrelle INSPIRA® (or simply INSPIRA®). All three lines are composed of silicone gel, but with varying cohesivity and shape. Note that the higher the cohesivity, the firmer the implant is, and the better it retains its shape. Higher cohesivity also reduces the likelihood and extent of rippling.
As the name implies, the Classic line is the original model of Natrelle® silicone gel implants, and are round in shape. The styles are denoted with double digits: 10, 15, 20, and 45. The numbers are a ratio of the implant’s base diameter and its projection – 10 is low projection, 15 is medium, 20 is high, and 45 is very high. Shells in this line come either smooth or textured.
The 410 line, originally created for breast reconstruction patients (but now also popular with augmentation and revision patients), is designed to mimic the slope or teardrop-shape of most natural breasts. This line is often described as the “shaped” or“anatomical” range of Natrelle® implants. Since they are teardrop-shaped, the 410 implants only come with textured shells to adhere to the tissues around them and minimize any rotation or other movement that could misalign them.
Like the Classic line, the INSPIRA® line of breast implants are round in shape, but are relatively more cohesive. The INSPIRA® and 410 lines are colloquially called “gummy” or “gummy bear” implants, as they are soft enough to squeeze, but are firm and cohesive enough to retain their shape even when a chunk is taken out.
The INSPIRA® line comes in three types based on degree of cohesivity: INSPIRA® (responsive/least cohesive and softest), INSPIRA® Cohesive (most cohesive and firmest), and INSPIRA® SoftTouch (the “Goldilocks” of the INSPIRA® line, as its cohesivity and softness/firmness are at a level between the other two). The latter two types are the latest releases of Natrelle® implants by Allergan mentioned earlier in this article.
The 410 and the INSPIRA® Cohesive implants are the “gummiest” (i.e. highest in cohesivity) types that the Natrelle® brand offers. For the 410 line especially, this is important in preserving the integrity of its teardrop or anatomical shape against counter forces, such as that from the natural capsule of hard collagen “scar” tissue that forms around it. This highest degree of cohesivity was first introduced in the teardrop-shaped 410 line, and was later incorporated into the round-shaped INSPIRA® line as the Cohesive model.
Individual patient characteristics will largely decide which implant styles may be suitable. With every type of Natrelle® implant comes the opportunity for varying degrees of customization to best fit each patient. They can choose the size, shape, shell, type and extent of fill, and height, projection, and more. Additionally, the characteristics of implant that a patient chooses will dictate other aspects of a breast augmentation or reconstruction, such as the implant location, incision placement, and incision size.
Because there are so many factors to take into account, it is crucial to consult with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who will be able to advise you on the appropriate options to consider for a breast implant surgery. The surgeons at West County, who are professors to medical students at Washington University, would be happy to advise anyone looking to learn more. To request a consultation, contact the practice online or by phone at (314) 996-8800.


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