How Does Preventative BOTOX® Work?

Winter weather is on its way and your skin may need some extra TLC this holiday season. In addition to facials and other skin treatments, BOTOX® can be an important element of your beauty routine prior to a special event like a wedding or a party. Everyone wants to look great on the big day, but unfortunately tell-tale lines and creases can make us like tired, stressed, and older than we really are. Skin rejuvenation treatments will give your skin a radiant glow, but they aren’t usually enough to hide more deeply engraved expression lines. Whether you’re preparing for an important occasion or simply want to feel more confident in everyday life, BOTOX® can help. Toronto’s Bayview North Dermatology Clinic team explains that BOTOX® is useful for both prevention and treatment of wrinkles. 

Medical aesthetics have continued to evolve, with the latest generation being more cost-effective and longer lasting than ever before. BOTOX® Cosmetic received FDA approval in 2002 and has remained the world’s most recognizable injectable. BOTOX® is usually thought of as a solution for wrinkles that have already formed on the skin. It temporarily relaxes the muscles, making it difficult for them to contract and create wrinkles. This drug is intended for dynamic wrinkles - ones associated with repetitive facial movements – such as elevens or crow’s feet. 

Healthy habits like sun protection and hydration are critical for warding off the symptoms of aging, but these alone might not be enough. Despite being commonly misconstrued as a cosmetic treatment designed for older patients with more severe, permanent wrinkles, BOTOX® is also being used to preserve smooth skin for a younger generation of patients in their 20s and 30s who are beginning to see the first signs of dynamic wrinkles that remain even when the face is relaxed.

This younger group are increasingly open to adding accessible, non-surgical “tweakments” to their beauty routine for ongoing self-care on a long-term basis. Some believe that small doses administered over time can train your muscles to refrain from making the movements that lead to wrinkles. Baby BOTOX® - smaller, off-label doses that create a more subtle and less “frozen” look – has become a rising trend among this demographic. 

Of course, we can’t maintain a poker face permanently and stop all facial expressions, nor would this be desirable. There’s also no way to prevent the impact of time and gravity. But BOTOX® is said to be able to slow the effects of aging or make them less visible. Preventative BOTOX® can’t significantly transform your appearance but it may help to maintain your existing features. 

There are over fifty muscles that make up the structure of the face. Note that each person uses the complex facial muscles differently when it comes to producing expressions. Our facial posture tends also to become worse with time. Patients can monitor the conscious and unconscious movements of their face, be aware of the ways in which it is aging and counteract them. 

Wondering when is the best time to start? The ideal age for starting BOTOX® varies depending on the patient. Some people start to notice their first lines and creases in their 20s while for others it may be decades later.

Patients should always choose an experienced, board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon for BOTOX®, who is specifically trained in and regularly performs this procedure. Avoid black market BOTOX®, unlicensed spas, “Cowboy Clinics”, and unqualified injectors. While the term “tweakment” may make it seem like a relatively minor, superficial procedure, note that BOTOX® is still a complex medical treatment that requires artistry and knowledge of facial anatomy. Potential complications can include headaches, infections, asymmetry, drooping, numbness, and muscle spasms. 

It’s especially important to choose an experienced physician for certain off-label applications like slimming the jawline and lifting the mouth, as these areas are riskier than others. 

Curious about injectables? Discover more about the benefits of BOTOX® injections and other treatments from Bayview North Dermatology Clinic in the Toronto area, by calling (416)-222-(7546) or visit their website to submit a contact form.


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