Your Checklist to Better Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Results

A clear, even, and radiant complexion is something most people strive for. Sometimes, however, topical products and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can only take your skin so far. With that in mind, many women and men turn to cosmetic dermatology to help them achieve their goals.

In your own quest to achieve perfect skin, you may have tried various cosmetic treatment options. If you’re thinking of trying out a cosmetic skincare option like platelet-rich plasma (PRP), the NJ-based dermatology team at South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center recommends taking the following steps to boost the outcome.

Choose a Qualified Provider

PRP is a minimally invasive procedure, but to ensure your safety and ideal results, it’s always best to choose a trained and experienced provider. Ask questions about a potential provider’s experience with PRP. A dermatologist or member of a dermatologist-led team can examine your skin, go over your complete medical history, and help you determine whether PRP is the best choice for you.


Prepare in Advance

Patients are advised to refrain from taking blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs before and after the day of the procedure. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water a few days before having PRP and avoid excessive sun exposure. It’s best to follow your dermatologist’s specific recommendations for preparation and aftercare.


Know the Details of the Procedure

Before having this outpatient treatment, it’s best to do your homework and be fully aware of what to expect. In basic terms, PRP contains a high concentration of platelets, proteins, and growth factors that boost the healing and regenerative processes of the skin. It has the benefit of reducing wrinkles lines and creating firmer, smoother skin by encouraging collagen generation. It can also boost dormant hair follicles.

To create PRP, a small amount of blood is extracted, then spun in a centrifuge. The resulting concentration of platelets is applied directly to the treatment area. Patients can expect slight soreness and bruising after the procedure. You may need to have additional PRP procedures to maintain the outcome.

You can return to your typical skincare routine after PRP, but avoid using harsh or excessive products on the skin or exfoliating before the skin has healed completely.


Try Combined PRP Treatments

When PRP is used in conjunction with other skin rejuvenation and resurfacing techniques, the combination can greatly enhance the final results in a way that would not be possible if they were used on their own. For example, PRP can be applied with microneedling, a method of improving minor scarring, texture issues, wrinkles, and discoloration.

In microneedling, tiny, microscopic channels are gently made in the skin with very thin needles. These punctures are not visible, but enable topical products—or revitalizing substances, such as PRP—to penetrate the skin more deeply and work more effectively. PRP with microneedling is sometimes referred to as a “vampire facial” or “blood facial.” The pairing allows you to address both surface damage and problems that start in deeper layers.

Vivace, a treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy, is another modality that works well with PRP.


Safeguard Your Skin

The sun is a primary external factor that is most detrimental to the skin’s health and appearance. Over time, prolonged or intense sun exposure can cause the connective structures of the skin to weaken and skin tone irregularities to occur. Some of the common signs of sun damage are wrinkles, spots, and a leathery texture. To that end, it should be a no brainer that preserving your skin means protecting it from sun damage. Cover up with protective clothing, wear broad-spectrum sunscreen, and seek shelter during peak sunlight hours.

Get to know more about PRP and other treatments available from South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center. NJ-based Dr. Robin Levin and her experienced team can provide further information. Call at (856) 810-9888 or send a message via the website.


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