Facelift: What You’ll Need for a Comfortable Recovery


A facelift is a life-changing procedure that can make you look younger and more invigorated by tightening sagging skin, restoring facial contours, and addressing jowls and the look of a double chin. If you’re having a facelift in Portland or elsewhere, remember that the key to a successful post-operative recovery phase—as with any cosmetic surgery—is to have a good plan for recovery in place ahead of time. Choosing a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon increases the likelihood of a safe procedure and satisfying results, but the patients themselves also play an important role in the process.

Follow these tips from The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery to ensure a smooth recovery from facelift surgery.

Lots of Downtime

During recovery, you’ll be spending a significant amount of time resting, your activity level will be at a minimum, and you won’t be able to resume most of your normal daily tasks, such as working in an office. This phase typically lasts for a few weeks. During this time, you can expect to feel drowsy, weak, and slightly uncomfortable. Don’t overdo it and push yourself too much when you’re feeling drained.

Any activity that raises the blood pressure—such as cardio or other heavy exercise—is discouraged. Avoid sleeping face down for at least the first two weeks so that you don’t place pressure on your face. Organize, run any necessary errands, and clean your home ahead of time so that you’ll be able to rest peacefully in a quiet area. Some people prefer to sleep on a reclining chair.

Food and Supplies

You’ll be spending a lot of time at home and won’t want to go out in the weeks immediately following the operation. Go shopping during the days or weeks beforehand to prepare for your facelift, and pick up your prescriptions, over-the-counter pain meds for discomfort, groceries, extra comfortable pillows for keeping your head elevated, frozen gel packs to keep swelling down, towels, blankets, and loose shirts that open at the front.

It’s also a good idea to keep some items on hand for pure entertainment: books, magazines, music, and movies. Try to avoid high-sodium foods, and drink plenty of liquids.

Your Support System

It’s common for patients to experience “post-surgery blues” after any kind of cosmetic procedure, partially because of the effects of the anesthesia. If you’re feeling emotional, having a close friend or relative nearby to confide can help. You’ll also need someone to drive you home and to your follow-up appointments, stay by your side for at least the first night, and assist you with small tasks.

A New Haircut

A new hairstyle is a great way to transform your appearance when you’re ready for a big change. If you’re hoping to keep your surgery under wraps and make your new appearance look more natural, take a trip to the hair salon a few days before. People may attribute your reinvigorated, energetic new look to your hairstyle change. Hair products are usually not a good idea for the first few days after a facelift, and you probably won’t be seeing your stylist for a few weeks, so it’s better to get that done before the big day.


The stitches or sutures that closed the incisions can be irritating and itchy to some people, but it’s important to avoid scratching or rubbing them. The surgeon will usually remove them a few days later, unless they are the type that dissolve on their own. Remember that results gradually improve, and you’ll look “worse” before you look better because of the bruising and swelling, so don’t let stress or impatience get you down just after your surgery.

Want to start planning your facelift? Reach out to learn more about the procedures available at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery in Portland. Call 503-646-0101 or submit your info via contact form to schedule a consultation.


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