10 Tips for a Faster and Better Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Shapely buttocks don’t come easily to most of us, even with the best workout and diet regimens. Aging, genetics, pregnancy, environmental damage, and weight fluctuations sometimes cause the tissue and skin around this area to droop—and women, especially, tend to be prone to storing excess fat in the lower body area. Patients seeking plastic surgery near Philadelphia often want  rounded, higher contours for their backside, and the Chapin Aesthetics team routinely hears from people who want the results of a Brazilian butt lift. This customized procedure involves moving the patient’s own fat to the butt as a more natural technique to improve contours and volume. This is unwanted fat taken via liposuction from surrounding areas, such as the hips and thighs, for improved overall body proportions.

The curves that result from fat transfer procedures mimic the appearance and feel of curves that some women develop naturally—as well as avoid the chance of rejection associated with implants. For many patients, the most challenging aspect of this treatment (and most other surgical procedures) is the recuperation period. Here are 10 ways to ensure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

1.    Listen to Your Surgeon

Follow all of your surgeon’s specific aftercare instructions, regardless of your own opinions and what you’ve heard from other sources. Some patients, for instance, don’t bother taking medication if they don’t think they need it, and this can have negative repercussions. Ask your provider about any guidelines they’ve given that you are unsure about.

2.    Avoid Pressure on the Area

During normal day-to-day life at work, at home, or driving, we are accustomed to sitting down for long periods of time. Try to avoid sitting, lying, or sleeping in positions that put pressure directly on the butt area in order to protect the transferred fat and maintain the right shape in the days following your surgery. This will mean sleeping face down or on your side. You may need to sit on your thighs and place a cushion under the hamstring muscles.

3.    Don’t Do Strenuous Exercise

For at least the first two to three days following a Brazilian butt lift, it will be critical to restrict your activity level. You need time to fully rest and heal after the surgery. Aside from gentle walks to keep the circulation going, you shouldn’t engage in any intense cardio workouts while you’re healing, as this activity can damage the transferred fat cells before they’ve settled into the new location.

4.    Do Exercise Once You’ve Recovered

The best way to maintain your figure after weeks and months have passed is by continuing a healthy exercise and diet routine. Incorporate squats and lunges to tone the lower body, as well as weight training to develop the muscles in that area.

5.    Manage Your Discomfort

It’s normal to experience some bruising, swelling, numbness, and small scars in the surgical area after Brazilian butt lift surgery. Take any oral medications recommended by your doctor to reduce swelling and discomfort after the procedure.

6.    Quit Smoking

Smoking increases the risk of complications by restricting the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the surgical site. This can be especially harmful for a fat transfer, as it’s important for the fat cells to survive with a sufficient blood flow.

7.    Keep Your Weight Stable

Losing a few pounds shouldn’t pose a problem, but for the best-looking results from a Brazilian butt lift, you’ll want to avoid drastic weight fluctuations for months after your surgery.

8.    Wear Loose, Comfortable Clothing

It’s important to avoid wearing tight jeans or other restrictive articles of clothing that may be damaging to the fat cells while you’re healing. Instead, opt for loose dresses, sweatpants, and other items that won’t place stress on the area.

9.    Avoid Going Underwater

Showers are fine, but to minimize your risk infections, hold off from soaking in a bathtub or swimming in public pools, hot tubs, or lakes after you’ve had a Brazilian butt lift.

10. Stay Hydrated

To help the body repair itself, drink plenty of water (preferably six to eight glasses a day). This is important just after your procedure—and all through life!

If you have any additional questions about plastic surgery at Chapin Aesthetics in the Philadelphia area or would like to arrange a consultation, don’t hesitate to reach out to the practice directly. Call (267) 880-0810 or fill out a contact form.


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