What Are the Benefits of Cheek Fillers?


Youthful facial proportions are characterized by a fairly even fat distribution with perky, fuller cheeks, high cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and enough volume to soften the forehead and temples. Aging transforms your overall face shape due to the facial bones and skin losing volume. Older skin is weaker, thinner, and becomes stretched as it loses collagen, elastin, and other components that helped to maintain its strength in prior years. When we’re in our 20s, our skin begins to create fewer collagen molecules each year. It’s completely normal to lose some definition in the face because of this, but there are some convenient aesthetic treatments that can help to restore your features if you aren’t completely happy with your appearance and would like to counteract some of the changes. With fillers that are used on the cheeks, such as Restylane® and Juvederm®, St. Louis’ Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center explains that patients can reshape their faces without the need for more invasive plastic surgery procedures.

Cosmetic practices typically offer various types of fillers to help patients achieve the look they want. Juvederm® and Restylane® fillers contain the same molecule that skin creates naturally to retain moisture, which is also found in many skincare products: hyaluronic acid. These soft gel fillers are ideal for filling in hollowed or wrinkled areas by replacing the water and collagen that were depleted and adding structure where you’ve lost bone or muscle mass. Here’s a basic summary of some of the advantages of having cheek fillers:

Restoring Fullness to Cheeks

Fillers are an ideal contouring tool, and they can be added strategically to enhance the symmetry and harmony of the face. Many people choose to have cheek fillers because they want to address age-related sagging or a flattened and sunken mid-face. Filler can lift deflated areas and give the skin a thicker, more supple appearance to soften facial contours. This can give the face a more youthful, heart-shaped look.

Sharper Cheekbones

If you have a relatively flat or oval-shaped face and want to create a more polished, sophisticated look, emphasizing your cheekbones is one of the best ways of instantly achieving your desired appearance. Fillers can be introduced to improve projection and make low or barely visible cheekbones pop more by creating natural-looking curves. Developed, prominent cheekbones and an elongated face signify that a woman is an adult, so adding filler to augment the cheeks can make small, very young-looking faces seem more grown up.

Slimming a Round Face

Fillers can be fully customized for individual patients. Each person may have different goals depending on anatomy. For example, some people use fillers to get plumper-looking cheeks, while others are hoping for a slimmer, more V-shaped appearance. If you want to achieve a certain look, it’s best to have a good idea of your injector’s aesthetic and techniques, because different providers have different styles.

Patients are sometimes worried that fillers could give them an overly puffy, heavy, or fatter-looking face. A qualified, experienced injector who has a good understanding of facial dynamics will use the proper techniques to minimize risk of this happening and maximize enhancing natural features. Fillers aren’t just for making cheekbones more rounded. They can also improve facial dimensions by elevating the middle of the face and making the jaw look thinner.

Smoothing Lines and Wrinkles

It’s common for skin to develop static wrinkles that are permanently engraved into the face due to a loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid or damage to the fibers of the skin. In addition to natural aging, smoking and sun damage are two of the main causes of wrinkles that tend to occur on the center and lower part of the face. Fillers reduce the size of these wrinkles, including fine lines and deeper nasolabial folds between the nose and mouth.

If you’re interested in learning more about Juvederm® and Restylane®, contact the Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center to talk to experienced physicians. Reach out by calling (314) 878-3839 or submit a contact form.


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