7 Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery


Patients often have different approaches to how they research and seek out plastic surgery, as well as unique goals for the types of changes they wish to make to their faces and bodies. When it comes to cosmetic procedures like breast augmentations and breast lifts, many patients may feel more comfortable working with a female plastic surgeon. In Los Angeles, the female plastic surgeons at Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care who specialize in breast surgery routinely help patients find the procedure that’s most suitable them while helping them to feel heard and that their unique needs are being met.

The appearance of the breasts can change significantly during the average person’s lifetime. Once you approach your 30s—and sometimes younger—it’s completely normal to experience some breast sagging (breast ptosis), but not everyone is happy with this shift. The change is usually related to the effects of gravity, rapid weight fluctuations, smoking, pregnancy, sun damage, collagen and elastin deficiencies, or some mix of these factors.

A breast lift is an ideal procedure to counteract this sagging. The surgery involves repositioning the breasts and often the nipples to a higher, more attractive position on the chest while reshaping the tissue, tightening the remaining skin, and removing excess skin. Here are seven advantages a breast lift patients can expect:

1. Feeling More Confident

Many patients feel self-conscious about breast sagging. A breast lift makes your breasts look younger and perkier. This can give you better self-esteem and confidence, because you’ll feel better about how you look and more at ease in social situations.

2. Enhanced Contours

A breast lift won’t make the breasts significantly larger or smaller, but it will help to improve their overall shape, symmetry, and projection. It’s a good choice for patients who are satisfied with the size of their breasts, but want their size and shape to be more even or to improve the positioning of breasts that have lost some of their volume and become more elongated.

3. Looking Better in Clothes

Fuller, rounder, and firmer breasts with cleavage will help you to fit better in clothes, including tight shirts and dresses, as well as give you a more proportional body shape. The internal structure that is created during a breast lift will hold the breast higher, and can give more flexibility with the types of bras and bathing suit tops that can be worn.

4. Reduced Back Pain

Sagging—especially of larger, heavier breasts—can leads to pain in the neck, upper back, and shoulders, along with posture problems. A breast lift can help to alleviate discomfort and improve spinal health, especially when combined with a breast reduction.

5. Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body

The skin and ligaments in the breasts are stretched during pregnancy because of increased weight and pressure from developing milk ducts and growing fat cells. When the breasts shrink back to their original size after the baby finishes nursing, the change can cause them to have a more stretched-out and deflated appearance. A breast lift will make them look closer to their original shape.

6. Long-Lasting Results

We can’t fully prevent the impacts of aging from reaching our breasts, which means our bodies will continue to change after having a breast lift. That said, the firming effects can last for many years. It’s important to take chest skincare seriously and avoid engaging in harmful habits to prevent skin laxity and wrinkles from occurring in this area.

Patients are encouraged to reach a stable weight before having a lift, because significant weight fluctuations in the future could cause more sagging. It’s also better to wait until you’ve finished having children to have a breast lift, as additional pregnancies will likely reverse the results. 

7. No Need for Implants

When you have a breast lift as a standalone procedure, you won’t have to use implants. This factor appeals to women who do not want more volume.

Searching for an experienced female plastic surgeon in Los Angeles? Get in touch with the team at Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care to learn more about breast lifts and other breast procedures. For additional details, call (310) 278-8200 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment.


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