5 Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Tips

Sculpting the perfectly shaped butt you’ve always wanted can be difficult, even when you’re constantly working out at the gym and maintaining a healthy overall lifestyle. Genetics, hormones, and our skeletal structure have a major impact on our body proportions, so each person carries fat differently. Additionally, if you have a sedentary job or engage in activities that cause you to sit for extended periods of time, don’t get much exercise, or have lost some fat in the buttocks due to aging, these factors can give your posterior a flatter appearance. It’s often difficult (if not impossible) to change the body shape we naturally have by lifestyle adjustments alone, but body contouring procedures can help to enhance your physique. The fat transfer used for a Brazilian butt lift creates a natural looking augmentation in the buttocks, as well as a more proportional body shape. Other than the procedure itself, the main aspects potential patients want to learn more about regarding this treatment are healing and downtime. Recovery after a Brazilian butt lift, according to New Jersey’s Dr. Carlos Burnett, is fairly straightforward, developing in stages. While initial healing can happen relatively quickly, it may take several months before a patient feels completely like themselves again.

Continue scrolling for some simple tips to make your Brazilian butt lift recovery smoother: 

1. Don’t Sit on Your Butt 

Immediately after you have a Brazilian butt lift and for the first two months, you won’t be able to sit down directly on your butt—or you’ll be encouraged to sit for as little time as possible because you want to avoid placing pressure on the area. You’ll also need to avoid lying on your back, so lie on your stomach instead. This helps to regulate blood flow, decrease fluid accumulation, and optimize the fat grafting process to ensure the best possible results. 

2. Reduce Inflammation and Discomfort

It’s normal to experience soreness and discomfort in both the buttocks as well as the other parts of the body where fat was removed during liposuction. Even though you might think you can put up with the discomfort, taking pain medications will help you to move around more easily and heal at a faster rate. Keep an ice pack within easy reach while you’re resting, along with medication for the pain, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

3. Get Moving (But Not Too Much)

Within a few days, you’ll be able to move around. This encourages blood flow to prevent clots from developing and also helps to prevent constipation. However, patients should avoid strenuous, high-impact exercise such as any type of bouncing before the fat cells have stabilized. Heavy exercise will be too stressful for your body at first. After one month, your surgeon will typically give you approval to engage in light exercise, such as fast-paced walking. Within six to eight weeks, patients are usually able to resume jogging or running again. 

4. Get Proper Rest and Nourishment 

Major surgery such as a Brazilian butt lift is stressful for your body, so it will be highly important for you to get proper rest and eat a balanced diet. Sleep is vital for helping your body heal. Refrain from smoking, and avoid too much caffeine or alcohol while you’re recovering. 

5. Hydrate

You may not have much appetite and feel nauseous, particularly during the earliest stage of recovery, but if nothing else, try to drink plenty of water. After surgery, your immune system will be more vulnerable than normal. Drinking water helps to reduce the risk of infections and flush toxins out of your body. Not to mention, it helps you to avoid complications that are associated with dehydration. Water helps to move nutrients and oxygen to the cells to support recovery. 

Need more advice about Brazilian butt lifts? Learn about what to expect during recovery from the team at Burnett Plastic Surgery. Call 908.233.0200 or send a message online to request a private consultation. 


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