10 Tips to Help You Prepare for Breast Augmentation

Want to know the best techniques to prepare for breast augmentation? New Jersey’s Sood Center for Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery explains that breast augmentation, a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of the breasts, is a life-changing decision for many patients.

Breast augmentation typically involves the use of breast implants, which are devices inserted into the breasts to increase their size and volume. 

This procedure can provide more balanced, feminine curves, and patients may experience a boost in confidence. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mohit Sood says, “Sometimes, individuals who have always had smaller breasts and want to increase their size might decide to have breast augmentation. In other cases, patients who have lost volume in the breasts due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or other causes may decide to have this procedure. Whether you're considering breast augmentation for aesthetic reasons or as part of breast reconstruction, thorough preparation is essential for a successful and satisfying outcome.”

Continue reading as we delve into 10 valuable tips to help you prepare for breast augmentation surgery.

1. Choose a Qualified Surgeon

Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast augmentation is the first and most crucial step in your journey. A qualified surgeon will guide you through the process and ensure your safety.

2. Have Realistic Expectations

It's essential to have realistic expectations about the results of breast augmentation. Consult with your surgeon to understand what is achievable based on your body type, existing breast tissue, and the type of implants you select. 

3. Choose the Right Type of Implants

There are various types of breast implants available and many decisions you will need to make—such as implant type, size, projection, and incision placement. Your surgeon will help you choose the right implant type, size, and shape to achieve your desired look. It’s important to discuss factors like your body frame and lifestyle to determine the right size and type for you. 

4. Plan Finances 

Breast augmentation is an investment in yourself. Ensure that you understand the cost of the procedure, including surgeon's fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care. Elective surgery usually won’t be covered by insurance. Consider financing options, if needed.

5. Schedule Time Off Work

Plan your surgery date carefully to allow for adequate recovery time. Ensure you have a support system in place to assist with daily tasks during your recovery.

6. Arrange Transportation

On the day of surgery, you will likely be under the influence of anesthesia and unable to drive yourself home. Arrange for a friend or loved one to pick you up and stay with you overnight. 

7. Medical Evaluation

Before the surgery, your surgeon will conduct a thorough health evaluation, and you may need to get a blood test. Be open and honest about your medical history, including any allergies, medications, or previous surgeries. Follow any guidelines provided by your surgeon.

8. Prepare Your Home

Create a comfortable and convenient recovery space at home. Stock up on groceries, prepare easy-to-eat meals, and ensure you have all necessary post-operative supplies, such as loose-fitting clothing, pillows to prop yourself up, and any pain medications prescribed by your surgeon.

9. Adjust Your Medications if Necessary 

Your surgeon will provide specific pre-operative guidelines, which may include avoiding certain types of medications like blood thinners, supplements, and other anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding. You will also need to quit smoking before and after surgery if you are a smoker. 

10. Emotional Preparation

Although we tend to focus on physical preparation, preparing your mind is just as important. Breast augmentation is a significant change, and it's natural to feel a range of emotions leading up to the surgery, as well as after the procedure. It’s important to maintain a positive mindset and realistic expectations, but you should talk to your surgeon if you’re experiencing anxiety or stress. Expect that your body will need to adjust and heal after surgery. 

Want to learn more about the best ways of preparing for breast augmentation? Contact New Jersey’s Sood Center for Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery for more advice on cosmetic surgery. Call (609) 701-4668 (Linwood) or (856) 746-6162 (Haddonfield) or submit a contact form to request a consultation



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