10 Tips to Prepare for Laser Skin Resurfacing

To get the best results from laser skin resurfacing. Newton’s The Well Lounge team explains that you need to know how to prepare for the treatments, which can often be the most effective way of reversing signs of damage on the skin due to aging, sun exposure, acne, or other causes.

Laser treatments are designed to improve your skin’s appearance to make you look younger and healthier. There are many advantages of laser treatments, including the fact that they can target deeper skin issues compared to many other types of skin rejuvenation treatments, while offering a high level of precision and accuracy. Patients will often see results right after a treatment and their skin quality will continue to improve over the following months.

In the weeks leading up to your laser skin resurfacing procedure, it's crucial to follow a pre-treatment skincare regimen recommended by your healthcare provider. If you are thinking of laser treatments, continue reading for 10 tips to prepare for this procedure and maximize results. 

1.     Consult with a Professional 

During your initial consultation, your medical history, skin type, and specific concerns will be assessed. Your provider will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and discuss the available laser options. They will also provide information about what to expect during and after the treatment, potential risks, and realistic outcomes. 

2.     Take Antiviral Medication If Needed 

You should tell your doctor if you are prone to having cold sores, shingles, or blisters around your mouth, as lasers can sometimes trigger flare-ups of these conditions. You may need to take antiviral medications for several days before and after treatment. 

3.     Choose the Right Laser

There are various types of lasers used for skin resurfacing, each designed to target specific skin issues. The two primary types are ablative and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers are more intense and require more downtime but offer more significant results. Non-ablative lasers have a shorter recovery period but may require multiple sessions for optimal results. Your provider will help you select the most appropriate laser based on your needs and skin type.

4.     Sun Protection

Avoid tanning and protect your skin from heavy sun exposure for up to four weeks before your laser treatment. Wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily and avoid direct sunlight. Avoid taking medications that cause photosensitivity for at least three days prior to your treatment. 

5.     Discontinue Certain Products

Discontinue the use of retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) for a few weeks before the procedure, as these products can make your skin more sensitive. You may also want to avoid adding any new products to your routine prior to your treatment to avoid potential irritation. 

6.     Hydration

Keep your skin well-hydrated by using a gentle moisturizer to maintain its barrier function.

7.     Avoid Harsh Treatments

Refrain from having strong chemical peels, microdermabrasion, deep facial treatments, dermabrasion, or other aggressive skincare treatments in the weeks leading up to the laser resurfacing.

8.     Adjust Medication and Supplements

Your provider will discuss any medications or supplements you are currently taking and may advise you to temporarily stop certain ones, especially those that increase the risk of bleeding. These may include blood thinners, aspirin, and certain herbal supplements. 

9.     Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

If you smoke, it's crucial to quit at least two weeks before your laser skin resurfacing procedure. Smoking can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Similarly, it's advisable to limit alcohol consumption in the days leading up to your treatment.

10.  Plan for Recovery

Laser skin resurfacing involves some downtime for recovery, which can vary depending on the type of laser used and the depth of treatment. You’re likely to experience redness, swelling, itching, and stinging for several days. Be sure to plan ahead and make arrangements for any necessary time off work or childcare. You may also want to prepare your home with comfortable pillows and other necessities. 

Want more advice on preparing for laser skin resurfacing? Contact Newtown’s The Well Lounge. Call 215-360-3940 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to learn more about how to achieve optimal results from this procedure.


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