Which Areas of the Body Can Be Targeted with CoolSculpting®?

 If you are considering CoolSculpting®, Albuquerque, NM’s The Spa @ Western Dermatology Consultants knows that you may be wondering which areas of the body respond best to this fat reduction approach.

Ever thought about why stubborn fat tends to linger on certain areas of the body? Most of us have at least one area of the body that we wish was smaller. Sometimes, regardless of how much we work out or watch our diet, this unresponsive fat refuses to go away.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Barbara Einhorn explains: “CoolSculpting®, also known as cryolipolysis, is one of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic techniques for fat reduction. This innovative treatment uses controlled cooling technology to freeze and eliminate stubborn fat cells. The fat cells will gradually be metabolized and flushed out of the body over 90 days.”

In this post, we will explore various body areas that can benefit from this leading-edge procedure. CoolSculpting® is FDA-cleared for excess fat below the chin or below the jawline, the inner and outer thighs, abdomen, flanks, bra fat, back area, below the buttocks, on the upper arms, and the knees. It’s important to remember that this is not a weight loss treatment, but is designed for localized resistant fat deposits that don’t respond to other standard weight loss techniques. 

·      Abdomen

Many individuals struggle with stubborn belly fat that seems resistant to diet and exercise. CoolSculpting® can target both upper and lower abdominal areas, helping patients achieve a more sculpted and toned midsection. Note that this treatment isn’t designed for visceral fat, which is the type of fat that’s found deep in the abdominal area close to the internal organs. It’s only intended for subcutaneous fat, which is the soft fat found directly below the skin. 

·      Flanks (Love Handles)

Love handles, those pockets of excess fat on the sides of the waistline, can be quite bothersome for many people. Due to physiology, men tend to have more fat cells in this area. Age and genetics can also make some individuals more likely to store fat on these parts of the body. CoolSculpting® is an excellent option for reducing fat in the flank area, providing a slimmer and more contoured waistline.

·      Thighs

Both the inner and outer thighs can accumulate excess fat, making it difficult to achieve the desired leg shape. Women have the tendency to store more of their excess fat on the lower body areas, such as the hips and thighs. CoolSculpting®can effectively target these areas, helping individuals attain smoother and more proportionate thighs.

·      Upper Arms

Stubborn fat on the upper arms, often referred to as "bat wings” or “bingo wings,” can be a source of self-consciousness for many. CoolSculpting® can help reduce fat in this area, giving the arms a more toned, sleek, and defined appearance.

·      Back Fat

Bulges and rolls on the back can be unsightly and challenging to address through diet and exercise alone. CoolSculpting®can target these areas, helping patients achieve a smoother and more attractive back profile.

·      Bra Bulge

The fat that accumulates around the bra line such as around the back area of the bra can be a common concern for women. Excess body fat and clothing with straps or bands can make fat in this area look more pronounced. CoolSculpting® can address this area, allowing for a more comfortable and flattering fit when wearing bras and swimsuits.

·      Double Chin

double chin can significantly affect one's facial aesthetics. This refers to extra weight that’s carried between the chin and neck. Sometimes, due to genetics and natural bone structure—such as have a weak or recessed bone structure in the jaw area—a person may be more likely to develop a double chin. CoolSculpting® can be used to provide a more defined jawline and chin that enhance your face shape. 

·      Underneath The Buttocks

Fat below the waist is subcutaneous, meaning that it’s often more difficult to lose. Even if this is the biggest area of your body, you won’t necessarily lose fat from here first either when you lose overall weight. CoolSculpting® can reduce “banana roll” fat below the buttocks for a shapelier, rounder appearance. 

Want more advice on the problem areas you can treat with CoolSculpting®? Albuquerque, NM’s The Spa @ Western Dermatology Consultants can explain more about non-surgical fat reduction options. Call 505-855-9267 or submit a contact form.


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