9 Things to Think About If You’re Having a Facelift

Deciding to undergo a neck lift or facelift, says New Jersey’s The Peer Group, is a significant and personal choice that requires careful consideration. While a facelift and neck lift can rejuvenate and enhance one's appearance, it's essential to be well-informed before taking this transformative step. However, it’s important to recognize that people have different goals for plastic surgery and some people’s expectations are more realistic than others. Patients should understand what to expect before making a decision. In this article, we explore nine crucial things to think about before deciding to have a facelift to help ensure that individuals make informed decisions about this cosmetic procedure.

1.    Realistic Expectations

Before scheduling a facelift, it's crucial to have realistic expectations about what you will look like after a facelift. There has to be a visible issue that both you and your surgeon can see that can be improved. While a facelift can produce remarkable results in terms of tightening sagging skin and reducing wrinkles, it cannot prevent the natural aging process. Understanding the limitations of the procedure is key to achieving satisfaction with the results. Most patients want to look like a younger, more refreshed version of themselves rather than looking like a different person or dramatically altering their appearance. The end results will be affected by your bone structure, cartilage, and skin. 

2.    Find the Right Surgeon for You

Since this is a major surgery, choosing a qualified and experienced Board Certified plastic surgeon is paramount if you want to have a good experience and natural-looking results. It’s a good idea to consult with multiple plastic surgeons and read reviews. Ask them whether you’d be a good candidate and what to expect during recovery. 

3.    Health Assessment

Undergoing a facelift is a surgical procedure that requires a certain level of physical and mental health. Before deciding on a facelift, it's crucial to undergo a thorough health assessment and medical tests to be sure that your body is in good shape before surgery.

4.    Recovery Time

Facelifts are not minor procedures, and adequate time must be scheduled for recovery. Consider your daily commitments and lifestyle when planning the timing of your facelift. Most individuals will need to take a break from work and social activities to allow for proper healing. Be prepared for swelling, bruising, and discomfort during the initial recovery period.

5.    Alternative Options

While a facelift can provide comprehensive facial rejuvenation, it might not be the ideal solution for everyone. Explore alternative non-surgical options such as injectable neuromodulators, laser treatments, or dermal fillers. Discuss these alternatives with your surgeon to determine if they can address your specific concerns without the need for surgery.

6.    Your Goals and Motivations 

It’s important to have a facelift done for the right reasons and it should be a rational decision. Some individuals decide to have facial plastic surgeon to feel more competent in their job. You may be a good candidate if you already feel comfortable with yourself but simply want to enhance your facial appearance to make yourself feel a little more confident. Regardless of your reason for having a facelift, you should have it for yourself rather than to please another person. 

7.    Scarring Concerns

While modern facelift techniques aim to minimize scarring, it's important to acknowledge that some scarring is inevitable. Discuss the placement of incisions with your surgeon and ask about scar management techniques. Most scars become less noticeable over time, but having realistic expectations and following aftercare instructions can contribute to optimal healing.

8.    Support System

It's advisable to have a strong support system in place during recovery, including friends or family who can provide assistance during the initial days post surgery. 

9.     You’ll Need to Be Patient with the Final Results 

It can take several months for you to fully heal, so you will need to have patience and not expect instant results. A facelift does not stop the aging process, and long-term maintenance is essential to preserve the results. A good skincare routine and lifestyle adjustments can help you extend the longevity. 

Want more tips for when you’re having a facelift? Contact New Jersey’s The Peer Group for more advice on this cosmetic procedure. Call 973-822-3000 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation. 


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