5 Tricks for Losing Weight Before CoolSculpting®


Although one of the most popular ways to lose unwanted fat these days is via CoolSculpting®, St. Louis’ West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University team routinely explains to patients that the treatment isn’t intended to be a weight loss method. Even though it’s a fat-reduction tool, many people are surprised to learn that patients who undergo CoolSculpting® tend to be slim and fit overall.

The treatment is ideal for people who have been able to shed weight from all over the rest of their body, but who still have some frustrating pockets of resistant fat that they can’t lose on their own. Good candidates are no more than 10 to 20 pounds away from their goal weight, so if you’re hoping to reduce obesity, it’s better to make overall lifestyle changes to shed the extra pounds. Not to mention, even though CoolSculpting® permanently eliminates some of your fat cells, it’s still possible to gain fat on other areas if you don’t try to maintain a stable weight through a healthy lifestyle after you’ve had the treatment.

Here are five tips to help you get in shape so that you’re ready to get the most out of your fat-freezing treatments.

1. Start Lifting Some Weights

Strength training isn’t just for guys; women can do it, too, and despite the common misconception, lifting some weights regularly won’t make you bulk up like a bodybuilder. One of the common mistakes people who are trying to burn fat make is focusing entirely on cardio and not including lifting weights as part of their routine. Building your muscle mass can make your skin tighter, help you maintain long-term fat loss, and improve your overall body composition. Lifting weights is also believed to keep your skin looking young in other ways.

2. Sleep More

One guaranteed way to pack on extra weight, especially around the belly area, is to not get enough sleep. Adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. When you’re sleep-deprived, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol that causes increased weight gain. Not to mention, you’ll be more likely to snack late at night and the next day when you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep. When you wake up early and get to bed late, your eating window will be bigger, and you’re probably going to consume more calories. Try to get to bed a few hours early.

3. Exercise When Your Stomach is Empty

Many believe in being well-fueled before a workout, but it might be better for you to eat several hours before rather than eating heavy right before high-intensity exercises and making yourself feel sick. Additionally, some studies have shown that exercising before you eat helps you to burn fat faster and increases your endurance.

4. Eat on Smaller Plates

Overeating is one of the main things you’ll need to avoid when it comes to losing weight and becoming healthier. Although there’s still some debate around this concept, many believe that eating on plates that are a few inches smaller or using a kid-size plate will help you to control your portions better and reduce your calorie intake by a significant percentage. On the bright side, you’ll be able to continue eating what you normally eat, your digestion will be better, and you’ll also cut down on food expenses by eating less.

5. Protein is Your Friend

If you’ve been working out a lot and cutting down on excess calories but aren’t seeing much of a difference on the scale, it could be because you’re not getting enough protein in your diet. Although you won’t want to overdo the calories, you can fill up on a lot of lean meats and eggs. Protein actually helps you to burn more calories and boosts your metabolism.

No matter what, consult with a professional on dietary and exercise changes to be sure that any lifestyle alterations you are making are done so safely and with your long-term health in mind.

Get more facts about fat reduction with CoolSculpting® from West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University. To find out whether you would be a good candidate for this procedure, fill out a contact form or call (314) 996-8800 to request a consultation.


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