7 Ways to Physically and Mentally Prepare for Liposuction


Having any kind of plastic surgery is an intensely personal and major decision to make. Each patient will have to do her or his own research and weigh the pros and cons of an elective procedure to decide whether it’s worth it. Although it’s exciting to finally shed resistant flab that prevents you from achieving the physique you want, any kind of body contouring surgery will be mentally and physically taxing, and it can take several weeks for swelling to go down completely and results to be fully visible. One of the best things you can do as a patient is to take proactive steps to prepare your mind and body if you’re having a surgical procedure in the near future, such as liposuction. Chicago’s Whole Beauty® Institute team recommends several things you can do to set yourself on the road to recovery.

Although it might seem like a nuisance to have to take all of these aspects into account, these steps can help you enjoy a smoother recovery with a lower risk of complications and make it easier for you to cope with post-procedure blues. They also make patients more likely to have attractive and long-lasting results from surgical fat reduction.

1. Have Lab Testing or a Medical Evaluation

When you have a consultation for liposuction, the first thing the surgeon might recommend is that you have lab testing and a medical evaluation done to ensure that you’re healthy enough for surgery. It’s important to discuss your medical history with the surgeon and make sure that they know about any pre-existing, serious health conditions that might make surgery riskier for you, such as heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes.

2. Adjust Your Medications

As with any type of plastic surgery, patients will need to stop taking medications or herbal supplements that can cause excessive bleeding from the operation, such as NSAIDs like blood thinners and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your surgeon will give you a list of drugs or foods to avoid for at least a week before surgery. It is critical that you discuss any change in how you take prescriptions or other medications with your primary care physician, as patient health is always top priority. Don’t stop taking any medications without approval.

3. Quit Smoking Several Weeks Before

After plastic surgery, your tissues need sufficient oxygen and nutrients to heal properly. Nicotine from cigarettes reduces blood flow and makes it more difficult for these tissues to get the oxygen they need. Smoking can lead to many complications after liposuction, such as delayed wound healing, thick scars, and blood clots.

4. Improve Your Diet

Eating healthy is particularly important before liposuction, as you need to enhance your overall wellbeing so that you heal quickly and your skin stays firm. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and include foods that are rich in antioxidants.

5. Prepare and Organize

Planning ahead as much as possible will make you feel more in control and help to ease your nerves. Some of the simple things that patients can do are organize their home, run errands in advance, and ensure that you have someone to help care for children or pets. Patients typically feel weak and drowsy in the first few days, so it helps to have a quiet place to rest, meals set aside, and everything they need within reach.

6. Reach Out to Your Support System

Patients experience a range of emotions before and after surgery, including everything from excitement, nervousness, and doubt to frustration, depression, and regret. Discussing your feelings with supportive friends and loved ones will help to calm your thoughts.

7. Be Positive and Realistic

Before choosing liposuction, be honest with yourself about why you’re having it done—and remember that surgery won’t necessarily improve other areas of your life. Try not to lose patience while recovering, and remember that it takes time to see results. Instead of letting stress and other negative emotions get you down, focus on your goals and have faith. 

Find out more about liposuction from board-certified plastic surgeon John Q. Cook and the Whole Beauty® Institute. Contact their Chicago or Winnetka office by calling them at 312-751-2112 (Chicago Gold Coast Office) or 847-446-7562 (North Shore (Winnetka) Office), or submit a contact form.


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